Monday, August 29, 2011

Other Blogs

My reasoning for starting my crafting blog is because Fantabulous Cricut blog needed a URL to post my projects to the challenge boards.

This blog has great tutorials, projects and inspiration.

Happy Cutting!

Onward and Upward

Ok so this morning I posted all of my past cricut projects without tutorials.  I plan on posting videos and step by step instructions for future projects from this point on. Please enjoy my blog and if there is a project you want me to do please post a comment and let me know!

Sorry for the small pictures most of them are from my iPhone because I wasn't really planning on doing a blog.  Now that I am blogging my projects my pictures will be of far better quality. 


I got this mirror from goodwill for $2.  I took the flower square off and sanded down the whole thing.  I then finger painted the whole thing by putting white and dark brown paint in my hand and not mixing it together very well.  After I fingerprinted the whole thing and it dried I sanded the whole thing down again.  After cutting a clock face with my cricut and securing it to the top I drilled a whole and put in the clock hands and put the whole thing back together.  I think the finished project turned out pretty well.

Vinyl Projects

 This is my "apple tree" on the back of my iPad, this is the first vinyl project I did but I think it turned out pretty well.
This was a jar I made for my dog's peach rings, yes I know it's odd but my basset hound loves them! The jar is the beginning of a larger project.


My best friend is a teacher for the 7th grade, I made this for her new classroom.  Made from scraps of foam cut with the cricut.  Took about 40 minuets to cut and put together.

Glass Etching

I made the plate and the coffee cup as a wedding gift and the wine glass was monogrammed for our own personal use.


This was the first cricut project I ever did, this vase of flowers sits on my dining room table.

Birthday Cake

This was my first time ever frosting a cake so it's pretty bad but I think the concept is really good!  I made the cake toppers with my cricut and it was a big hit!

Friday, August 26, 2011

Happy Birthday to my Husband

Birthday beer mug for my husband! I made it all with my cricut expression. My husband’s name is Brandon (sorry the etching curves around so much, oops.) The envelope was the first one I’ve ever made.  I have actually have made several other projects I will be posting at a later date so my blog will be a little out of order for a while. (sorry)
Please enjoy all I have to offer!